Outstanding Global Work Award

Nomination Deadline:
March 29th

Attributes that pertain to outstanding global work include, but not limited to, are that the Faculty member must have engaged in sustained global activities and must have proven and measurable record of outputs (including but not limited to) related to teaching, research, extension/ outreach, international-grants, service, joint-publications, and/or recruitment. Outstanding global work also includes development of a clear record of global efforts beneficial to the College, faculty, students, and/or society, recognition by scientific community or peers through international awards, serving on editorial boards of international Journals, advisory boards, serving as expert on international teams, invitations by foreign Universities and Institutions, and hosting international scholars/ students, among others.

Any full-time faculty member of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, who has been employed for three consecutive years, is eligible to receive the award.

Nominations: Alumni, students, or employees of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences may nominate. The nomination will be forwarded to the Dean's office accompanied by a minimum of documenting evidence, which will include:

  • A statement of the nominee's responsibilities and supervising or coordinating activities related to global work
  • A summary of 100 words indicating the global impact of the nominee
  • The global impact may be of immediate recognition, or it may be that which is judged to have a definite potential of future significance for the College, faculty, students or the community
  • A statement attesting to why the global work should be considered outstanding for bestowing the award and what makes the effort noteworthy at the time the person is to be considered for the award
  • Supporting statement by the nominee's immediate supervisor
  • One page list of pertinent global activities

Recipient will receive:
 A certificate, a medal

Submission options:
Nomination may be submitted by email or paper, but only supporting documents included in the original nomination to be considered.

Typed nomination letters may be sent to ypalma@nmsu.edu.

Mail letters of nomination to:
Awards Committee c / o
Dean, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
P.O. Box 30003, MSC 3AG
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003

On-campus address:


  • 2023 Manoj Shukla
  • 2022 Jeanne Gleason
  • 2021 Efren Deglado
  • 2020 Niall Hanan
  • 2019 Jeanne Gleason